A-Z Information
If your child is going to be absent from school please let us know by phoning the school (04 4787037) between 8:30am and 9:00am, stating your child's name, their whānau class number and the reason for their absence. All absences are reported to the office and followed up. The Ministry of Education requires the school to state the reason for any absences from school as well as to note patterns of unexplained absence. We may request to sight a copy of the appointment details if your child needs to be away from school for a medical appointment during school time. To assist us with this, please text or email proof of your appointment time to the office as verification for MOE attendance records. Thank you for understanding and helping us with these requirements.
The Principal and staff welcome parents’ interest, also involvement in our school and your child's learning. If you wish to discuss any aspects of your children’s welfare or academic progress please do not hesitate to contact the school or your child's teacher.
Parents are asked to park outside the school ground unless collecting sick children or delivering goods. In the interests of safety please do not turn at the gate or turn into driveways. Please use the turning area at the end of Bancroft Terrace and follow all the road safety rules.
We are proud to announce that we have joined the Netsafe Schools Programme and are now officially a Netsafe School. Being a Netsafe School means that we have practices in place that show our commitment to planning for online safety, and that our practices are supported by New Zealand’s online safety organisation, Netsafe. One of many ways we keep students safe is by annually revisiting the Students User Agreements. To view these agreements click here for Year 0 - 3 and Year 4 - 6. To find out more about Netsafe Schools visit netsafe.org.nz/the-kit/netsafe-schools
Students bring books home to read. Please talk with them about using their book bag to transport these to and from school. We encourage you to chat to them about the books they are reading and to help your child remember to return these to the library by the due date.
Lost Property
Please name all your child's property as this enables misplaced items to be returned to their owners immediately. There is a lost property storage in the Medical room. At the end of each term any unclaimed items are donated to a local charity.
Lunches are available from school on Thursday from lunch online at https://www.lunchonline.co.nz/ More information on THIS PAGE of this website - Please do remember to update your child's classroom with them for the current year.
At the end of each term the FUNdraisers group organises a special pizza day. Order days and forms are advertised through the school newsletter.
Students are discouraged from bringing money or expensive toys to school. All money brought to school needs to be sent in a sealed named envelope or paid online to the school account 12-3223-0048283-00. If paying on line please make sure you clearly indicate you child's name, their class number and what the money is for. All money that comes to school needs to placed in the green money box in the office area.
The newsletter comes home every Wednesday. This is emailed to you, unless you specifically request a hard copy. It can also be located through this website. As well as news of the school, community notices may be added when there is space to do this. Every effort is made to present accurate information, however the board does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or the goods/services advertised.
Class, individual and family photos are taken at school during the first term.
Reporting to Parents
We have a 'Meet the Teacher/Whānau Strengthening Meeting' at the beginning of the academic year for families to share information about their child, their family and their aspirations for the year.
At the end of Term 1, each child participates in a Three Way Conference with their family and their whānau class teacher to celebrate student achievements and identify next learning steps. With support from their teacher, these conferences are led by the student. They focus on the Bellevue learning dispositions; Curiosity, Collaboration, Resilience, Risk taking and Self-Management. We encourage every child and their parent/caregiver to actively participate in these learning conversations because family involvement in school-based learning activities improves outcomes for students.
Students and their families/whānau receive written reports focused on academic progress and next learning steps at the end of Term 2 and Term 4.
Our celebration of learning is held at the end of Term 3. This is an opportunity for students to share their learning in an informal way. Families are invited to visit their child's whānau classroom or hub, where students' learning will be on display and talk with their child about this.
Students or teachers regularly share examples of student achievement or celebrations of progress as real-time reporting through Seesaw. Families are encouraged to comment/give feedback on this.
Parents are also welcome to make an appointment with their child's whānau teacher via email, the office, or through Seesaw to discuss their child’s progress at any time.
Stationery is available at the beginning of the year and throughout the year from the School Office. The list are also posted on this website. Parents may choose to purchase their child’s stationery from the school or another source.
Scholastic Book Club Orders
These flyers will come home with a closing date indicated. All orders are due in payment either by cash or credit card (details on the bookclub form). Please place your order in the locked box in the Office foyer. Orders must be in a sealed envelope with your child's name, room number and Scholastic book club written on the outside of the envelope.
All students participate in a swimming programme at a local pool annually. Beach and water safety programmes are run in addition to this.
School Patrols
School Patrols are on duty outside the school gates in Bancroft Terrace before and after school. There is very little parking space for cars after school, so we ask that parents/caregivers take care to look out for the safety of pedestrians. Please turn at the end of Bancroft Terrace rather than turning into driveways and remember that it is unsafe to park on the yellow lines or in front of the cones outside the school gates. The the School Patrols need a clear view to direct the students crossing. The school gates are closed to all public vehicles except other abled families/visitors, couriers and education personnel from when the School Patrols are on duty at 8:25am until 3:15pm.
Telephone Numbers
Please let the school know of any changes of address, phone number, email or emergency contacts as soon as possible. It is important for the school to have up-to-date contacts and emergency release adults clearly identified for emergencies.