Bellevue Sports
Here you will find our latest information and updates about our tamariki and their sporting achievements.
Health & PE Statement
Athletics Day
It was fantastic to see everyone having such an amazing time competing in our whole school Athletics Day on Wednesday 8 March.
The tamariki gave everything a go, and lived values important to us here at Bellevue School, such as resilience and perseverance. Click on the images below to see our awesome sports people in action!
Also, a huge congratulations to our students who will be attending Northern Zone Athletics in Term 4.
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
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Northern Zone Cross Country
Northern Zone Cross Country was on Tuesday 9 May. Congratulations to all of our Year 4-6 tamariki who showed our values of Integrity, Empathy and Resilience in bucket loads. An extra congratulations to Gauri from Hub 4, as well as Luke and Mickey from Hub 5 who have qualified for the Inter Zone Cross Country event on Tuesday 13 June. We wish you the best of luck!
Junior Invitational Cross Country was also held on Thursday 18 May. The Junior tamariki also showed our values of Integrity and Resilience, as well as having heaps of fun!