Welcome Parents and Caregivers
We are delighted that you are considering enrolling your child at Bellevue School.
Throughout the web site you will find a range of information about our school.
Bellevue School is governed by an enrolment scheme - enrolment options will depend upon a child's usual residential address.
Children may only attend school on or after their fifth birthday.
Application for enrolment, for children in Year 1-6, may be made at any age.
The enrolment form, available online below with the prospectus, or in hard copy from the school office, must be completed for all children enrolling whether they are turning five, transferring from another New Zealand school or immigrating to New Zealand.

- Please the school Ministry of Education code 2806 to access
Please note that we require you to upload your documents wherever requested. Failure to do so may delay the processing of your application.
For the ENROL privacy statement:
ENROL privacy statement – Ministry of Education
For information on enrolling students:
Enrolling students – Ministry of Education
And for further information on enrolling your child/children at school:
For parents and whānau – Ministry of Education
Please note - enrolment during periods of whole school distance learning:
If you enrol your New Entrant child with us online during a time when their hub is distance learning, we will wait until they have joined us for face to face learning before providing any distance learning. This is so that we know your child and can offer the most appropriate home learning support. Please also note that for all New Entrants enrolled online or otherwise, we ask that school visits are completed before they attend school full time so that they have still a gentle introduction to school, their teachers and classmates. Thank you.
School Visits
To support a smooth transition to school, new entrants are required to have a minimum of three visits at Bellevue.
Visits are held on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between 9-10am. Parents/caregivers are required to stay with their child during this time.
Visits allow our newest students to meet their whānau class teacher and the other teachers they will work with in the hub, get familiar with their surroundings and how the morning operates before their first full day.
To organise a school visit, please contact the office on the email at the bottom of the page.
First Day
Please report to the School Office before taking your child to the classroom.
New entrants finish school at 3.00 p.m. from their first day at school. Should you find that your child is becoming very tired in the first month of school you are welcome to make arrangements with the teacher to collect them a little earlier until they have adjusted to school routines.
We are looking forward to having your child at Bellevue School and look forward to a long and happy association with you.
Before/After School Care
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